


長いWaiting for reviewの期間を過ごして、なんといきなりリジェクト。その理由がこれ。
We've completed the review of your application; however, because no audible content is played when the application is in the background, we cannot post this version to the App Store. We have included additional details below to help explain the issue. We hope you’ll consider revising and resubmitting your application.



Dear review team,
My application uses audio to notify user as alarm sound. My application has to play sound in background mode, and I have no idea without adding "audio" flag. 
The Apple engineer I met at the WWDC Lab said, only way to play sound is to add "audio" flag in UIBackgroundModes. If still you reject my app, please tell another way to play alarm sound in background. I think that's not fair.
- My app plays audio when the device close to the station.
- Playing audio in background needs "audio" flag in UIBackgroundModes.
Other audio application can be paused. My application is also paused until it reaches to destination, isn't it?
Please re-think about this.
Yosuke Suzuki
で、その晩はMOSA entranceがあったので、その場でリジェクトくらったーとネタにしてたりしていたんですが、裏ではことが進んでおり、今朝になってメールが届いてました。

Thank you for you email and clarification.  We are proceeding with the review and will update you with further status as soon as we are able.
Thank you for your continued patience.

教訓。リジェクトされても慌てず騒がず、ちゃんとレビューチームとお話しはしましょう。返事もくれます。他の「Contact us」系のメールと違ってスムーズです。

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